A process analysis gives you insight into the most important activities of the work. You let the people who do the work themselves estimate how much time they spend on their activity and sub-activities. Based on sufficient measurements and taking into account some preconditions, the measurements give you a very reliable picture of how much time each activity takes. It gives a shared insight into which activities add value, but also which activities are carried out that prevent you from being productive for the customer.
Then recognise the activities that are avoidable and those that are not.
My experience is that the insights gained are a valuable source of awareness and improvements large and small. Improvements that you can implement immediately, such as smarter internal order transfer, better and more detailed planning, targets on (working) drawings, optimisation of internal logistics, introduction of autonomous maintenance etc. etc.

The customer is paying for the work
A powerful way to optimise productivity and to become aware of the potential for improvement. Carry out the measurements regularly, they keep you sharp and focused on doing the job better and better. After all, that's what it's all about, the customer is paying for the work!
More value through understanding