Douma Staal bv's general manager, Jan de Groot

Douma Staal is a large, ambitious and growing family business. Douma supplies a large part of the Netherlands from warehouses with an area of 34,000 m2. Its competitive advantage lies, in particular, in its flexibility and delivery reliability. But the company does more than just deliver steel and stainless steel. In Sneek, customers can also order a large number of finishes: sawing, drilling, beam cambering, shot blasting, painting and galvanizing. Director Jan de Groot: “Machining now accounts for about 30% of our turnover and is an essential part of our offering.” But that did not happen by itself and will not automatically stay that way. Attention is needed.”

  • A major improvement milestone was achieved
  • Availability was vastly improved and safety increased
  • Employees have taken ownership of "their" machine
  • Surpex relayed technological and persuasive knowledge
  • Maintenance is now embedded in the company

“You can buy and sell steel with a handful of people. However, finishing and machining is very labour-intensive”

Own machines

The general manager explains that powder coating and red lead painting used to be performed externally. But the extent of the work justified the purchase of their own machines two years ago. This also allowed the company to be more flexible. “By blasting we remove the mill scale and any rust. But the machine used basically blasts itself in the process, and clearly requires maintenance. In this respect, all machining has made our processes more complex. “You can buy and sell steel with a handful of people. However, finishing and machining is very labour-intensive.”

Unique combination

“We were warned, and indeed noticed, that our brand new department and machines were rapidly deteriorating,” recounts Jan de Groot. “The department became messy and dusty, the machines needed maintenance and we lost control over the rustproofing process a bit. When we became aware of the issues, we got in touch with Surpex. Ryan Ordelmans knows these machines like no one else. He’s also aware of the problems that can arise and he knows how to take the maintenance of steel processing machines to the right level. Moreover, he knows how you can structurally embed such maintenance into the company. It's a unique mix of knowledge of technology and persuasiveness towards people"

Optimum productivity

Jan de Groot asserts that he was grateful for Surpex’ help. “Surpex stated that it could get the machines to run at optimum productivity levels and that is what happened here. Ryan Ordelmans knows the machines inside and out, but he’s also a pair of fresh eyes. That’s compelling! We achieved major improvements with his help and now we have a clear maintenance strategy. Finally, time is being made for autonomous maintenance. Then the production is put on lockdown and the team starts cleaning, vacuuming and repairing. Naturally, this causes internal conflicts, because customer demand is huge, but in the long run this is what’s best for the customer too.”

"Safety is essential here"


Douma Staal now has a permanent team of employees manning the machines. They were inspired by Surpex and instructed to independently take care of the maintenance. De Groot: "They have taken ownership of "their" machine. This means that the reliability of these machines is now at 100%, but also that safety has vastly improved. From that safety perspective, we have also decided not to process certain materials. Because safety is essential here. The people who work with the machines know what is expected of them. All processing steps are visualised and all maintenance work is structured.

Easily won over

Surpex advised Douma Staal, providing guidance and real hands-on support in improving the autonomous maintenance of the blasting and rustproofing line. They not only provided clear insight into the process taking place and required maintenance, but also implemented autonomous maintenance. All those involved have been trained. De Groot maintains that Surpex’ level of expertise in terms of machines and processing is excellent. This ensured that the production staff were easily won over.

“In all instances, these are expensive machines. If our customers bought them themselves, it would never pay off. We are pooling this demand and can therefore achieve the required efficiency”

Leaping forward

Douma Staal declares that its experience with Surpex has been so incredible, that the collaboration is set to continue. Other machining processes, such as sawing and drilling, will also be addressed by Surpex. “For us, Surpex is the external party whose expertise enables it to exert soft pressure to get things done. By involving external specialists, you gain additional knowledge and we know that attention is paid to maintenance and safety. Investment in the maintenance of the machine pool always pays off. Because, obviously, availability will improve in leaps and bounds."

Jan de Groot certainly believes that steel processing will continue to be an essential part of his business model in the future. “In all instances, these are expensive machines. If our customers bought them themselves, it would never pay off. We are pooling this demand and can therefore achieve the required efficiency.” Read between the lines, this indicates that steel processing will remain essential for Douma's sales and competitive position, meaning the relationship with Surpex will have a sustainable character.