Co-owner Harold Vreeman of Modulen & Engineering Menzing

"Surpex has contributed sustainably to our organisational development by combining a strong strategic intervention with a pragmatic approach"

Initially Menzing asked Surpex to assist with a product/market analysis of a specific product. But the final assignment went much further than that. Harold Vreeman, co-owner of the company, tells about the special role Surpex played in developing a strategy for Menzing.

Harold Vreeman

  • An awareness of the impact, costs and efforts needed to successfully bring a product to the market
  • Gaining clarity about what we are really good at as an organisation
  • The process with Surpex has brought us back to the base from which we once started
  • It has brought us back into the comfort zone where we are at home
  • An alternative business strategy has been developed that remains close to the company's core values and focuses on the organisation's strengths
  • A concrete roadmap has been set up an implemented
  • Perfectly link strategic thinking and pragmatic action and translation into action

Optimal design and production solutions

In the past 75 years, Menzing has become a strategic development and production partner for leading international companies. With its main office in the Netherlands and an assembly and purchasing office in the Czech Republic. The company is driven by the philosophy that by cleverly combining internal knowledge with the extensive supplier network, the most optimal design and production solution can always be realised.

Menzing's strength lies in entering into intensive partnerships in which they help strong commercial partners to excel by providing them with the right equipment. Machines and equipment that they develop customer-specifically and produce serially, optimally tuned to the needs of the partners. Examples include machines for rental applications or special processing equipment.

Profitable growth

Menzing came into contact with Surpex in 2020, says Harold: "It started with an interim assignment, a market analysis of a specific product and dealer network. It was carried out quickly and with clear conclusions and recommendations. It was the reason to investigate together with Surpex the market approach and sales channels of all our own products, to draw up a sales plan and implement it with the aim of profitable growth".

Surpex started with an analysis of the current state of the sales channels and of our marketing and sales funnel. Based on this, Surpex has made visible which impact, costs and effort are necessary to successfully and profitably grow Menzing's products in the various customer segments. A turning point in the process and the direct reason for Surpex to initiate a strategy session and thus give the project a completely different direction. From performance improvement to strategy reconsideration.

Crucial strategic choices and clear roadmap

"Based on the strategy sessions Menzing conducts with Surpex, crucial strategic choices are made," says Harold: "Surpex has guided this process very effectively. They asked the right questions, which brought difficult issues to the surface. It gave us insight and made it clear what we are really good at as an organisation. That adjustment of our strategy is necessary. During the execution of this process Surpex communicated in all layers of the organization, which led to the fact that all people felt heard. This creates support in all ranks of the organisation and leads to a future-proof business plan with clear measures and steps to be taken".

Surpassed our expectations

"Surpex recognised the stagnation in our process and pragmatically switched to a strategy session. As a result, we now have a clear picture of how we should grow and achieve sustainable results," says Harold. "It was a very hands-on and action and result-oriented process with a long-term solution, whereby short-term results are already visible. Surpex therefore makes an important contribution to the development of our organisation and also advised us on the right long-term fulfillment of the commercial challenge resulting from the change of strategy. Precisely these elements we found very strong and therefore Surpex has surpassed our expectations”.

Long-term effect ensured

The strategic decisions we have made now fit us very well and are perfectly in line with who we are. We found that our previous strategy was just outside our comfort zone. Because we discovered in the strategy session that we could make improvements in other things much faster, it suddenly became clear to us. Surpex brought us back to the base from which we started. Back in the comfort zone where we are at home. A good strategy and a clear roadmap ensured long-term success."

"Surpex brought us back to the base from which we originally started"